How To Customize The Comment Box In Blogger

One way of attracting the readers to give comment to your article is having a comment box more  unique and attractive to them. As bloggers we all know that comments are  vital part of a blog article  because  through it  the readers' can reflect their opinions regarding  the post or our blog, so it is very necessary to spend a little of our time to make this part looking more presentable, accessible and neat. In this tutorial, I will show very simple steps on how to customize the comment box.

customize comment box in blogger

How to Add Beautiful Customization with the Comment Box

Step1. Go To Blogger Dashboard
Step2. Click Layout >> Edit HTML
Step 3. Check “Expand Widget Templates”  box at the top right corner.

Step 4. Search  the code below,  use" Control F" to help you locate faster the code. (Select  the second occurrence of the code)

<div class='comment-form'>
Step 5. Replace it with code below
<div id='btt-form'>

 Step 6.   Now Search for the code: ]]></b:skin>,  again use  Control F

 Step 7.   Just above ]]></b:skin>, you paste the following  code below,

#btt-form iframe{
background:#ffffff url( no-repeat bottom right;
border:7px solid #C7C7C7;
padding:5px; font:normal 12pt "ms sans serif", Arial; color:#7EB2AC; width:450px; }
#btt-form iframe:hover{
background:#ffffff url( no-repeat bottom right; border:7px solid #7EB2AC;
#btt-form a{

Customization of the  three parts of the code:
Note: you can choose here your various types of hexadecimal colors.

1. First part of  the code (#btt-form iframe )
 >> Comment box in in active mode (not in hover effect)

  • To change the background of the comment box frame, change #ffffff 
  • To change the the background image , change the url with your own url image. You can place it in top left, top right,bottom left or bottom right position. In this blog , I position it in the bottom right.
  • To change the border size of the frame, change 7px 
  • To change the border styles, change the  solid with dotted or any border styles that you like. for more border styles, click here.
  • To change the  border color, change #C7C7C7
  • To change the distance between the comment form border and the text area, change 5px
  • To change style of the text,  bolness or normal, font size,font family, color and the width of the text "Comment as", change the attributes of the following code:
           font:normal 12pt "ms sans serif", Arial; color:#7EB2AC; width:450px

2. The second part of  the code (#btt-form iframe:hover)
 >> Comment box in hover effect mode

The explanation with regards to its border, background,  etc. is almost the same, the only difference is it will only affects the frame styles when the mouse will hover in it.

3. The third part of  the code (#btt-form a)

This part explains the color of these two links -> “Sign out” and “Subscribe by email” . These links appear at bottom right corner of every Blogger Comment Form.

To change the color of the text "Sign out" and "Subscribe by e-mail", change the  hexadecimal color code "#7EB2AC"

 Step 8. After customizing  the  CSS code above, save your  template and you are done. Enjoy!
credits goes to My bloggertricks with little modification by me.
About the Author:
tilt  hover effect
Hello folks! This is GOLDEN WORKS TV, the admin of this blog. No words could described my grateful appreciations to all newbie and professional bloggers around the world and most especially to Almighty God who gave me the wisdom...Read More
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105 comments : Post Your's Buddies!

Post A Comment!
We love to hear your feedbacks and suggestions. We will try our best to reply to your queries as soon as time allows. Please Keep in mind that all comments are moderated manually by our editors team to minimize spamming, and all the links are nofollow.

1. To add HTML code in the box, please use our HTML editor generator.
2. Please do not spam. Those type of comments will be deleted upon our review.
3. We should appreciate an individual and suggestive discussion.

Best Regards,

  1. I would like ti change the text "Subscribe by email" in the comment box. Could you help me? Thanks.

    1. Hello Mirela, Sorry for the late reply for I was keep on researching on the answer of your query. For the the meantime I'll just give you an alternative way of putting a subscription button along your sidebar wherein you can customize the text " Subscribe by email" Please click here for the tutorial. Have a blissful blogging!

    2. You are always welcome and enjoy!

    3. Hello everyone i am Benard Miller from the united states of america i want to tell the whole world of great Dr Harry herbal mixture i was unhappy ever since my girlfriend back then in college mocked me of having a small penis and weak in bed ,ever since then i have been trying to improve my sex life but all effort failed ..but it got worse when i got married ,my wife is so angry with me and Threatened to leave me if i do not find a way and i love my wife so much so one faithful day i was reading some comments on a blog then i saw a comment of one Mr Tom Sullivan new Orleans testifying of how Dr Harry helped him enlarge his penis and Fertilise his sperm count so i quickly contacted him by his website link and he got back to me and i did as he said my greatest surprise i got 10 inches within two weeks of using his herbal medicine and now its just 3 weeks i am having 10.5 inches i am so happy wife told me am so good in bed that i almost killed her last night all thanks to him note he also cure sicknesses and diseases like PENIS ENLARGEMENT ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION DIABETES type 1 and type 2 HERPES GENITAL WART LOW SPERM COUNT WEAK ERECTION BREAST ENLARGEMENT PROSTRATE CANCER HIV/AIDS PREMATURE EJACULATION so if you need his help contact him on his email website link or whatsapp him on +2349036417079 thanks

    4. [Wow!!! I Got rid of Hsv-2]_____RoBinsOnBuCler (@GMail.CoM)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi,
    How did you made the appearing of comment box only on posts without displaying it in the homepage? Hope you'll reply me..I'd like to try that for my blog too:

    1. Logically Blogger only allows us to put/ show comment in our posts not in home page since it will be awkward or untidy to see comments flooded at that place.

  4. Hi, i would like to know how can i make the replie box to a comment appear underneath it like yours do in here? Apreciate an answer, tanks.

    1. Hello Wonderwall, To customize your author's comment box like mine, please click this link. Hope it will help you and thanks for dropping by. God Bless!!!

  5. I think there is a common misunderstanding or failure to communicate about these comments widgets. The primary problem for my wife and me is that the Blogger button for the comments is essentially invisible to most of the people who look at our blogs. This is the text, only much brighter and colorful than what’s on the bottom of my blog page.
    Posted by Bud Rudesill at 4:02 PM No comments:

    The problem here is that the words, No comments, does not indicate to most people that these words are a button to begin the process of adding a comment. We have pled with people to leave comments and they repeatedly tell us they don’t know how to do it. Even if comments are added, the words just change to 1 comment, 2 comments, etc. and

    Yes, it would be nice to customize the form so one could screen the comments, and etc. But that isn’t the overwhelming problem with blogger.

    Bud Rudesill

    1. Hello Bud, I think we have the same problem on how to change the words "No Comments". As of this time I keep on experimenting on how to customize that..Hope to solve this problem..
      Thanks for your valuable comment and God Bless!!!

  6. comprehensive and useful

  7. This is an informative blog by which I have got that info which I really wanted to get.

  8. This is very effective for me. Thanks for your article.

  9. Hi I would like to ask how can I move the Reply Button on the comment to the right side. I tried using { text-align: right;} but it doesn't work.

  10. This tutorial didnt work for me please help. :-(

  11. Hi Gefjun
    I cant change my blogger comment box: This is the coding

    /* Comments----------------------------------------------- */
    #comments{padding:10px;background:url(;border:5px solid black; color:black; font-size:14px; font-weight:bold;}
    #comments h4{font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;margin:1em 0;color:#008080;}
    #comments h4:hover{font-size:20px;font-weight:bold;margin:1em 0;color:black; background:url(;}
    #comment-header{float:left;padding:5px 0 40px 10px;margin:5px 0px 15px 0px;position:relative;background-color:#fff;border:5px dashed #ddd;}
    .avatar-image-container{background:url(;width:32px;height:32px;float:right;margin:5px 10px 5px 5px;border:1px solid #ddd;}
    .avatar-image-container img{width:32px;height:32px;}
    a.comments-autor-name{color:black;font:normal bold 16px Arial,Tahoma,Verdana}
    a.says{color:red;font:normal 14px Arial,Tahoma,Verdana}
    .says a:hover{text-decoration:none}

    Plz now guide me where the changes have to be made.

  12. Great Post Gefjun!
    Thanks for writing such Ultimate Post about customized blogger comment section. Your post is just Amazing! Thanks for sharing such useful info. Looking forward for such lovely posts.

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  25. When I eventually found testimonies about this spell caster Dr Ozolo, how he helped many people to get their lovers and broken homes back, i contacted him through his email address because I was absolutely desperate to get my wife back. Life without my wife was a real mess for me and my children. i wanted a dramatic change and I thought magic could be the solution. After discussing the resolution with Dr Ozolo he gave me hope that he will restore my marriage. I felt confident that he will actually make my wife to return home and he did! It’s fantastic what this great spellcaster have done for me, his help is priceless! I don't know what I would have done without Dr Ozolo does his job so well he is organized and highly functional, i believe he is the best spell caster i can count on when it comes to all kinds of spell, I was floored that his spells worked, if you need help, contact him on his email: dr.ozolospellcaster@. com. call or Whatsapp him on +2348162265185 and i assure you things will turn around for you

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  30. Hello everyone i am James Richard from south Africa but live in the united states of America i want to tell the whole world of great Dr Aluyor herbal mixture. i was unhappy ever since my girlfriend back then in college mocked me of having a small penis and weak in bed, ever since then i have been trying to improve my sex life but all effort failed. But it got worse when i got married, my wife is so angry with me and Threatened to leave me if i do not find a way and i love my wife so much so one faithful day i was reading some comments on a blog then i saw a comment of one Mr. Tom Michael new Orleans testifying of how Dr. Aluyor helped him enlarged his penis and Fertilize his sperm count so i quickly contacted him by his Email and he got back to me and i did as he said. To my greatest surprise i got 10 inches within two weeks of using his herbal medicine and now it’s just 3 weeks i am having 10.5 inches i am so happy now. My wife told me am so good in bed that i almost killed her last night all thanks to him note he also cure sicknesses and diseases like ;
    DIABETES type 1 and type 2
    So if you need his help contact him on his email or Whatsapp him on +2347037030416 thanks

  31. Hello everyone i am James Richard from south Africa but live in the united states of America i want to tell the whole world of great Dr Aluyor herbal mixture. i was unhappy ever since my girlfriend back then in college mocked me of having a small penis and weak in bed, ever since then i have been trying to improve my sex life but all effort failed. But it got worse when i got married, my wife is so angry with me and Threatened to leave me if i do not find a way and i love my wife so much so one faithful day i was reading some comments on a blog then i saw a comment of one Mr. Tom Michael new Orleans testifying of how Dr. Aluyor helped him enlarged his penis and Fertilize his sperm count so i quickly contacted him by his Email and he got back to me and i did as he said. To my greatest surprise i got 10 inches within two weeks of using his herbal medicine and now it’s just 3 weeks i am having 10.5 inches i am so happy now. My wife told me am so good in bed that i almost killed her last night all thanks to him note he also cure sicknesses and diseases like ;
    DIABETES type 1 and type 2
    So if you need his help contact him on his email or Whatsapp him on +2347037030416 thanks

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  33. Live Testimony HPV and HERPES is cureable: I am greatful to Dr Aza ,the powerful herbal healer that rescue me from HPV and HERPES. I was diagnosed of these disease in 2019 and because of this, i was very unhappy with my life and i went into research on how i can get cured and i saw a testimony of a lady on how she was cured from HERPES by Dr Aza, i decided to give him a try and when i contact him, he assure me that he will help me and send me the cure.I believed in him because all i wanted was to be cured, so he prepared a herbal cure for me and send it to me through DHL and gave me instructions on how to use it and after one week i should go to hospital for checkup and after one week of using the herbal medicine, i went to the hospital for test and to my surprise the test stated that i am HPV and HERPES negative and i am fully cured from the diseases. This gladdens my heart and my doctor was suprised that am cured because he told me that there is no cure and he requested for Dr Aza contact, So viewers Dr Aza is a God Gifted man and he can cure so many diseases like HIV/AIDS, HERPES,CANCER of all kind, PILE, KIDNEY PROBLEM, SYPHILIS, DIABETES, HSV1&2, HPV and lot's more. You can contact him through his email:  or call and whatsapp him on +1(315)7951518 . I will continue to share this great testimony on the internet and all over the world for the good job Dr Aza has done for me.    

  34. My name is Sofia, I want to appreciate the great work of Dr.Isai, I was diagnose of herpes disease 2years ago, and I’ve lost all hope that there is no cure, but then I was taken medication from my doctor just to sustain myself until I got to know about Dr.Isai through a friend who he cured of HIV. I contacted him and he sent me a Herbal Medicine which I took as prescribed for some Weeks. After consuming the Herbal medicine I went for checkup at the hospital Which I was confirmed Herpes Negative after 2 years of being positive, it is indeed a miracle, Dr.Isai is a great man, if you have any issue you can contact him on this Email: or you WhatsApp him on his Number +2349034352176. While I was on his medication I understood that he can also cure HIV/AIDS, ASEPSIS, CANCER, warts, Miscarriage, penis enlargement, Menstruation problem and many more. Contact him today and get your problem solved.

  35. Its a pleasure for me to write this testimony about how i got cured from Genital Herpes 2 months ago. I have been reading so many comments of some people on Youtube who were cured from various diseases by Dr Ero, but i never believed them. I was hurt and depressed so I was too curious and wanted to try Dr Ero, then i contacted him through his email (DREROMONCAREGIVER@GMAIL.COM) when i contact him, he assured me 100% that he will heal me and i pleaded with him to help me out. My treatment was a great success, he cure me just as he promised. He sent me the herbal medicine through UPS and instruct me to go for check up after 2 weeks of taking the medication. I agreed with him and took the herbal medicine and i went for check up after two weeks of taking the medication, to my greatest surprise my result was negative. I am really happy that i am cured and healthy again. I have waited for a month to be very sure i was completely healed before writing this testimony. I did another blood test a week ago and it was still Herpes negative. So i guess its time i recommend anyone going through Herpes, HSV-1 or HSV-2, HIV/AIDS, HPV, Hepatitis B, Diabetes and Cancer to contact Dr Ero on his Email : or Call and Whatsapp him on +2348140916349 . He will also cure you just as he did to me and i will continue to share this great testimony on the internet for people to get cured and to know that there is a cure out there and Dr Ero herbal medicine is the perfect medicine to all manner of diseases. ....

  36. God bless Dr. Maggie for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of HERPES since 2018 and I was taking my medications, I wasn't satisfied i needed to get the HERPES out of my system, I searched out some possible cure for HERPES i saw a comment about Dr. Maggie, how he cured HERPES,DIABETES,HIV,and CANCER with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 14 days later i was cured from HERPES, Dr. Maggie truly you are great, do you need his help also? Why don’t you contact him through his EMAIL: or whatsapp on +14097946086    

  37. Its a pleasure for me to write this testimony about how i got cured from Genital Herpes 2 months ago. I have been reading so many comments of some people on Youtube who were cured from various diseases by Dr Ero, but i never believed them. I was hurt and depressed so I was too curious and wanted to try Dr Ero, then i contacted him through his email (DREROMONCAREGIVER@GMAIL.COM) when i contact him, he assured me 100% that he will heal me and i pleaded with him to help me out. My treatment was a great success, he cure me just as he promised. He sent me the herbal medicine through UPS and instruct me to go for check up after 2 weeks of taking the medication. I agreed with him and took the herbal medicine and i went for check up after two weeks of taking the medication, to my greatest surprise my result was negative. I am really happy that i am cured and healthy again. I have waited for a month to be very sure i was completely healed before writing this testimony. I did another blood test a week ago and it was still Herpes negative. So i guess its time i recommend anyone going through Herpes, HSV-1 or HSV-2, HIV/AIDS, HPV, Hepatitis B, Diabetes and Cancer to contact Dr Ero on his Email : or Call and Whatsapp him on +2348140916349 . He will also cure you just as he did to me and i will continue to share this great testimony on the internet for people to get cured and to know that there is a cure out there and Dr Ero herbal medicine is the perfect medicine to all manner of diseases. ....

  38. I Want To Appreciate Dr.Maggie for his great deeds, I Was Diagnosed With type 2 Herpes Virus Last year,And i Was Looking For Solution To Be Cured Luckily I Saw Testimonies On How Dr.Maggie Cure Herpes Virus I Decided To Contact Dr.Maggie I Contacted Him He Prepared A Herbal Medicine Portion And Sent It To Me,I Started The Herbal Medicine For My Health.He Gave Me Step By Step Instructions On How To Apply It, When I Applied It As Instructed, I Was Cured Of This Deadly Herpes Within 2 weeks, I Am Now Herpes Negative.My Brother And Sister I No That There Are So Many People That Have The Same Herpes Virus Please contact Dr Maggie To Help You Too,And Help Me To Thank Dr.Maggie For Cure Me, I’m Cured By Dr. Maggie Herbal Medicine,His Contact Or Cell Whatsapp Number +14097946086 thank you   

  39. Thank you so much Dr.omo herbal home for bringing my life back, i never thought i would ever be cured of Herpes Virus again due to the medical report i had from the hospital not until When God used Dr omo herbs and root in curing me of Herpes virus . Inbox him on {} whatsapp no; [+2349033505260 Or ask me dm If you have any problem like Herpes 1/2 / cold soresHiv/aidsCancerfibroids blocked fallopian tubes Marriage CancerEx backHepatitisPregnancy Penis/engagement/boobs.. whatsapp no; [+2349033505260 his email:

  40. Live Testimony HPV and HERPES is cureable: I am greatful to Dr Aza ,the powerful herbal healer that rescue me from HPV and HERPES. I was diagnosed of these disease in 2019 and because of this, i was very unhappy with my life and i went into research on how i can get cured and i saw a testimony of a lady on how she was cured from HERPES by Dr Aza, i decided to give him a try and when i contact him, he assure me that he will help me and send me the cure.I believed in him because all i wanted was to be cured, so he prepared a herbal cure for me and send it to me through DHL and gave me instructions on how to use it and after one week i should go to hospital for checkup and after one week of using the herbal medicine, i went to the hospital for test and to my surprise the test stated that i am HPV and HERPES negative and i am fully cured from the diseases. This gladdens my heart and my doctor was suprised that am cured because he told me that there is no cure and he requested for Dr Aza contact, So viewers Dr Aza is a God Gifted man and he can cure so many diseases like HIV/AIDS, HERPES,CANCER of all kind, PILE, KIDNEY PROBLEM, SYPHILIS, DIABETES, HSV1&2, HPV and lot's more. You can contact him through his email:  or call and whatsapp him on +1(315)7951518 you can also visit his website at; . I will continue to share this great testimony on the internet and all over the world for the good job Dr Aza has done for me.    

  41. I never thought that online treatment was real Until a friend directed me to a doctor called doctor ONUWA who directed me on how i will be cured from HPV and i did as i was directed and to God be the glory i went for a check up and it was negative i want to use this opportunity to thank doctor ONUWA and you can contact him on is EMAIL or his whatsapp number +2348115914591 he can cure different type of sickness

  42. I'm giving  testimony about DR Maggie. the great Herbalist, he has the cure to all manner of diseases, he cured my herpes simplex virus, though I went through different website I saw different testimonies about different spell casters and herbalist, I was like: 'Many people have the herpes simplex virus cure why are people still suffering from it?' I thought of it, then I contact DR Maggie via email, I didn't believe him that much, I just wanted to give him a try, he replied my mail and Needed some Information about me, then I sent them to him, he prepared it (CURE) and sent it to me through UPS  Courier Service for delivery, he gave my details to the Courier Office, they told me that 2-3 days I will receive the parcel and i took the medicine as prescribed by him and I went for check-up 2weeks after finishing the medicine, I was tested herpes simplex virus negative, if you are herpes simplex virus patient do me a favor by you contacting him and I assure anyone who is suffering it,your problem will never remain the same again you will be cured. will ever remain grateful to you sir indeed mighty work you did for me. When you contact him, make sure you tell him that I refer you.. contact him via or whatsapp on +14097946086.....

  43. I'm giving  testimony about DR Maggie. the great Herbalist, he has the cure to all manner of diseases, he cured my herpes simplex virus, though I went through different website I saw different testimonies about different spell casters and herbalist, I was like: 'Many people have the herpes simplex virus cure why are people still suffering from it?' I thought of it, then I contact DR Maggie via email, I didn't believe him that much, I just wanted to give him a try, he replied my mail and Needed some Information about me, then I sent them to him, he prepared it (CURE) and sent it to me through UPS  Courier Service for delivery, he gave my details to the Courier Office, they told me that 2-3 days I will receive the parcel and i took the medicine as prescribed by him and I went for check-up 2weeks after finishing the medicine, I was tested herpes simplex virus negative, if you are herpes simplex virus patient do me a favor by you contacting him and I assure anyone who is suffering it,your problem will never remain the same again you will be cured. will ever remain grateful to you sir indeed mighty work you did for me. When you contact him, make sure you tell him that I refer you.. contact him via or whatsapp on +14097946086.....

  44. The doctors keep saying no cure for herpes and making people believe that there is no cure. I'm here cured to inform everybody that there is a cure. There is a cure for Genital Herpes and I was from Genital Herpes by Dr Apala with his herbal medications. I tested positive for 2019 and ever since then I have been looking for a cure. I was reading about herpes on YouTube and I saw a comment on how Dr Apala cure HERPES and HIV with herbs on the comment section, I was surprise and I contact him on the email they provided on the comment and I explain my problem to him and he also prepare the herbs and send it to me which I use for two weeks as I was instructed by Dr Apala and after 3weeks I went to the hospital for a blood test and the result was Negative and my doctor confirm with me that am fully cured from genital herpes. I'm so grateful to Dr Apala You can also reach Dr Apala on his or you can text and WhatsApp him on+2349150342282 ....

  45. The doctors keep saying no cure for herpes and making people believe that there is no cure. I'm here cured to inform everybody that there is a cure. There is a cure for Genital Herpes and I was from Genital Herpes by Dr Apala with his herbal medications. I tested positive for 2019 and ever since then I have been looking for a cure. I was reading about herpes on YouTube and I saw a comment on how Dr Apala cure HERPES and HIV with herbs on the comment section, I was surprise and I contact him on the email they provided on the comment and I explain my problem to him and he also prepare the herbs and send it to me which I use for two weeks as I was instructed by Dr Apala and after 3weeks I went to the hospital for a blood test and the result was Negative and my doctor confirm with me that am fully cured from genital herpes. I'm so grateful to Dr Apala You can also reach Dr Apala on his or you can text and WhatsApp him on+2349150342282 ....

  46. Hello everyone, i am here to testify of great Dr Wobe and I know most of you don't know him too well but i must confess that he is a man of his words, a honest and kind man and well experience, he cure all kinds is diseases but action speak louder than voice inbox him for more discussion or Email or WhatsApp on +2347082702659

  47. i have come to give you a feedback... Am so happy and i can't express the joy in me thanks so much i complained last time that my wart are not healing not knowing it was on the process your remedies works very well for me, i do not no about others mine was just heal in 2 weeks and 3 days all my genital wart just dry off and heal with no scar God bless your dear..i prayer i do not have any out break in future ...thanks dr onuwa 2 weeks, 3 days…. It was like magic” and you can contact him on is EMAIL or his whatsapp number +2348115914591 he can cure different type of sickness

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  53. […]I was browsing the Internet searching for help when I came across a testimony shared by someone on how she was cured from Herpes Disease. I quickly contacted him to get the cure. I bought the herbal medicine from the herbal doctor [Robinson Buckler]. I took the herbal medicine for 2 weeks as instructed and i went for a medical checkup and to my greatest surprise i was cured from Herpes virus. My heart is so filled with joy. If you are suffering from Herpes or any other disease you can contact this herbal doctor today on this Email address_________________robinsonbuckler@[[]].....Thank you Doctor[…]

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